Message from Chris for the angler
'The fishing here on the Blavet is a pleasure. It is uncrowded and peaceful. The river is slow flowing, there are carp, bream, roach, pike, trout and zander. Advice can be sought from the friendly locals, who only fish for pike and zander.
You can fish on a platform right outside the front door of the gite.
Bream and roach can be caught mid river on ledgered or feeder fished corn. Put in some ground bait first and concentrate the fish. They are unpressured, and almost certainly uncaught before. Carp are also found here, try the far bank trees. Boilies or maize, with a little pre-bait will get you takes.
Try above the weir, and also a good walk upstream past the bridges will find you plenty of good overhanging trees and even lilly pads, where there are a lot of carp. Mornings and evenings are best. Fish strong tackle, 15lb BS, to ensure landing these fish. They are uncaught wild fish, and fight very hard!
Particle baits and Vitalin are ideal to pre-bait with. Ready made boilies are ideal too. A couple of kilo's will do. Please use unhooking mats and respect all fish.
Enjoy yourselves, Tight lines,
Saint Nicholas des Eaux
Blavet Valley
Bretagne - FranceLA SABOTIERE riverside gites

As Breton paths sulk at the idea of straight lines, the Blavet will have made many meanders and other convolutions to find its way to the Atlantic, bidind a while for the greater pleasure of its river folk and holiday makers. We have seen it slowly go around a wooded hill, tumble over a weir, become impatient between lock gates, reflect the Gotic Spires of the Chapel 'Saint Nicodeme', grasp the springs of St Adrien and nourish, pike, trout, salmon and carp.