Reguiny : Museum 'Les Sanglots Longs'
Musee St Gildas de Ruys : St Gildas de Rhuys : Museum of popular art and tradition.
Museum St Cyr Coetquidan : St-Cyr Coetquidan : Military museum
Museums,gallerie : Josselin : The Dolls museum
Bicycle museum : Plouay : Bicycle museum
Salmon museum : Pont scorff : The Salmon museum
Port Louis Museumpdf. Port Louis : Museum of the India Company ++
Cider museum : Le Hezo : Cider museum. The traditional manufacture method of the regional beverage
Folk museum : Lizio (4 kms from) : The Lizio Folk museum. Open daily
Medieval village : Melrand : Medieval village (Village de l'an Mil)
St Marcel Museum : Malestroit (St Marcel) : Museum of the Restistance Bretonne. Open daily except Tuesday
Prehistoric museum : Carnac : Prehistoric Museum.Free entry for under 18s.
Port Museum : Douarmenez : Port Museum. The unique floating museum boats
Visit Brittany : Josselin : The Dolls museum
Regional Postcard Museum :Baud : The Regional Postcard Museum
St Malo museum : Saint-Malo : Museum 'Jacques Cartie'r. Unique memorial to Jacques Cartier
Lamballe museum : Lamballe : Museum 'Mathurin Meheut'
Quimper : Fine Arts Museum
Pont-Aven : Pont-Aven museum. The famous school of Pont Aven where Paul Gaugin lived>

Vannes Aquarium : The Vannes Aquiarium
Pont Scorff : Zoo
Rochefort en Terre : Rochefort en Terre (2kms from) : Prehistoric Park
The Yves Rocher Botanical Garden, open all round year
The renowned Nicolas Hulot school and the Branfere Botanical garden of 40 hectares with 120 animals spaces are situated at Guerno. The park is open from February to November.
Poul Fetan.Pdf Poul Fetan Village (XIXe)
Cairn of Gravinis island (Gulf of Morbihan) - Ancient site with dolmen
Holiday St Nicolas des Eaux - French House 'Le Logis de la Sabotiere'
2 self catering holiday gites for rent - St Nicolas des Eaux - Southern Brittany Pontivy Morbihan Bretagne France